Things To Keep In Mind When Drinking Energy Drinks

By Luke Jargins

There are numerous energy drink products distributed globally. They are available in corner stores, gasoline stations and bars, and typically displayed along with carbonated drinks, juices, and sports drinks. Energy drinks are made to supply the person drinking it mental and physical stimulation for a few hours. In this article, we will be discussing some salient points about energy drinks.

Energy Drink Products - History Contrary to popular belief that these products are something new, energy drink's history actually goes way back to the late nineteenth century. Back then they were offered primarily by pharmacists as a hospital drink to aid patients recoup their energy. One of the earliest energy drinks launched in America was Dr. Enuf, which was created by William Mark Swartz, a Chicago businessman, who was encouraged by his colleagues to provide a alternative to sugary carbonated drinks which were laden with empty calories. The Dr. Enuf lemon-lime flavored drink was made to be an "energy booster" and it contained B vitamins, caffeine, and cane sugar.

Energy drinks came into common use in Asia well before they became widespread in the United States. In the sixties, a Japanese pharmaceutical company named Taisho released the Lipovitan energy drink which was made to make it easier for employees work tirelessly well into the night. Like most energy drinks nowadays, Lipovitan had the amino acid Taurine. Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur, saw the opportunity in selling energy drinks while he was on a business trip to Asia. He then started the company Red Bull GmbH which many still consider as the world leader in this particular industry.

Pointers When Consuming Energy Drinks

At present, energy drinks are quite commonplace. Almost 70 percent of energy drink buyers are between thirteen to thirty-five years old. While taking energy drinks can supply you with the energy that can assist you take on difficult tasks, but there are a few things you need to remember when shopping or taking them. To begin with, you should know just how much caffeine you are taking in. The general accepted max limit of daily caffeine consumption is 300 mg so you have to make sure not to go beyond this. You should also make it a habit to read the label to see just how much calories and sugar you are getting from these products.

You should stay away from combining energy drinks with alcoholic drinks because the stimulant effect of an energy drink product reduces the depressant effect of the alcoholic drink making you feel less intoxicated than you really are, consequently causing you to consume more alcohol than intended. Refrain from taking in energy drink prior to exercising as well because this can over stimulate the heart muscles and the nervous system. Those with heart conditions should also talk with their doctors before taking energy drinks. You would have understood what are energy drinks by now but if you want to know more about them, you should check out energy drinks pros and cons.

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