How to Eat a Low Carb Diet Without Going Hungry

By James Steele

Many people have diet plans that don't allow any carbohydrates to be eaten. There are dozens of diets, including South Beach, Atkins, and others, that believe the reason you cannot lose weight is because of eating carbohydrates. This is not entirely true. There are carbohydrates that are good for you and carbohydrates that are bad for you. Those that are good are okay to eat in moderate amounts, and the bad you should stay away from completely. A nutritionist can put a diet plan together for you, and even use the help of your doctor. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you get started.

Instead of regular wheat flour, use coconut flour instead. Regular refined white flour is rich in bad carbohydrates and gluten and is very hard for your digestive system to process. You'd be far better off with a healthy, unrefined flour such as coconut flour. The entire coconut is rich in nutrients. Whole coconuts are great when you can get them, as are coconut oil, coconut water and coconut milk. You should take advantage of all the healthy ways you can use coconut, including the flour that can be gotten from it. If your diet is high in processed foods, try switching to more natural foods. Adopting a low carb diet is particularly challenging for people whose present diet is mainly made up of processed foods. To change their diet, they may start shopping for low calorie or low carb foods of the packaged and processed variety. The problem with most of these low carb processed meals is that they make you want to eat more carbohydrates, so you're tempted to abandon your diet. You'll feel much more satisfied if you switch to simpler, all natural foods. For example, a handful of nuts will fill you up just as easily as a candy bar but won't come with the accompanying sugar crash or "more junk food" cravings.

Many of the most nutritious foods you can find anywhere are those made from whole grains. This will help you a great deal when going on a low carb diet. When you switch from unhealthy to healthy carbs such as whole grains, you won't feel deprived, as these foods are actually more satisfying than those made from things like white flour. Any type of food you're used to eating can be made or found in a whole grain variety. It's not hard to find whole grain foods these days, and you can also make your own bread using whole grains. This is an example of how you can eat the same types of foods as ever on a low carb diet, as anything made from high carbohydrate flours can also be made from whole grains.

These are automatically lower in carbs and are better for your digestive system too. Take a look at all the alternative pastas around, or learn how to make them yourself. This is just one example of how your favorite high carb foods can be made with healthier, alternative ingredients.

They can help you figure out a healthy diet plan that is also low in carbs.

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